
A perfect fall day with Jennifer of The Pink Pagoda!

Good morning, so happy to be here today with Jennifer from The Pink Pagoda, one of my favorite design blogs who always has something beautiful to share. And lets not underscore our shared love of all things blue and white. But what I really love about Jennifer is her INSANELY gorgeous chinoiserie influenced prints and phone cases.....yes those phone cases that everyones always raving about and those prints you see in so many gorgeous rooms! Click here to see them in her swoonworthy shop. They are too pretty for words!

She is one talented lady and I am so happy she is here today sharing her perfect fall day. If you do not regularly visit The Pink Pagoda, you must, you must you must!! I promise you will be thrilled you did. I cannot think of a more stylish person to help close out this fall series than Jennifer. I will be posting my own take on a perfect fall day next week and that sadly, folks will be the end of this series as fall gets ushered out by 'ol man winter. Thank you Jennifer for coming over here today and to everyone else for stopping in to share this day with us. Without further adieu,  here is the lovely and super stylish Jennifer.......
I'm beyond thrilled to be at The Enchanted Home today telling you about my perfect fall day!  Fall is my favorite season for several reasons.  The biggest is that it's such a huge RELIEF to feel the brisk air following a summer in Dallas.  After the oppressive heat, the cooler weather is energizing.  And even though I'm the mom of a high schooler, I still associate fall with the excitement and fun of school starting, football season, and all of the socializing that ensues. 

  I'm not a big fan of traditional fall colors, but I love to get to see the beautiful red leaves in autumn.  I want to sit on this bench and enjoy all that color.
So, Tina flattered me by asking me to share my "perfect fall day."  A lot of this is pure fantasy.  Not much of it bares any semblance to a "typical" fall day for me as I normally would be working.  What fun to imagine all the possibilities!  First, I would wake up around 9:00 to the sound of my husband bringing me coffee on this tray.

Geographically impossible, but this would be the view from my window.  The day would be sunny, cloudless, and 60 degrees.

My breakfast would look something like this, but with lots of cracked pepper, some raspberry jelly and  fresh strawberries.
On my perfect day, I'd have an outdoor space like above where I'd spend a bit of time after breakfast.  With my iPad, a great interior design book, and more coffee, I'd be quite content. 

Then, I'd go inside and get dressed for the day.  

When the weather starts getting cooler, I love this moisturizer.  It's very much worth the splurge. It provides the perfect amount of moisture without being heavy or greasy.  Never mind that after  purchasing it, the rest of my cosmetics need to come from CVS.  

After my leisurely morning at home, my sister and I would visit blue print to shop for art and antiques.  Of course, my fantasy day has to include lots of shopping.  And, since it's my perfect fall day, we would both purchase many items.  

After all that shopping, we'd need some lunch.  We'd head to Sevy's to meet fun friends and brag tell about all of our morning's purchases.  I'd order the Hickory Grilled Chicken Salad which is pictured above.  

After lunch, my sister and I would go to Ceylon et Cie, Michelle Nusbaumer's shop, for more shopping.  The two pagodas above would be mine.

Then we'd run by Again and Again and see lots of incredible mid-century that we simply couldn't live without.  By this point in the day, it's most likely carpool time.  On my perfect fall day, my daughter would have no homework or extra-curricular activities, so we'd go for gelato at Paciugo, and I'd hear all about her day.

Then, we'd go home, rest a bit, and get ready for an evening out.  My husband, daughter and I love La Duni.  I'd order what you see below, and we'd all share the Cuatro Leches cake which is even tastier than it looks.

My daughter and I adore musical theater.  My husband will gladly escort us to performances, so we'd go straight from dinner to The Winspear Opera House where my favorite musical, Guys and Dolls, would be playing. 
My daughter and I had the best time coming up with our fantasy cast.  What an incredible show this would be!  If any readers out there happen to be casting directors, please see what you can do to make this happen.

What a perfect way to end a perfect day!

Thank you so much, Tina, for having me.  I'm so excited to get to be part of your fun series.  I absolutely loved imagining my perfect fall day and getting to be here!
OK Jennifer, you have every one of my senses in serious overdrive here!! Can I please join you for this fall day? Its too amazing to not share:) From the outfit to the delectable food choices to that gorgeous sunroom to decompress from all the fabulousness.....and then ending it with the dream cast? Hellooooooo......this has my name all over it too! And the chic shopping stops and gelato breaks is the icing on the cake! Perfect in every way. I am sure everyone reading this is nodding their head in agreement right about now:)  Click here to visit Jennifer over at The Pink Pagoda. Thank you for sharing this amazing day with us, and wishing everyone a really fabulous fall day! (Enjoy them while they last). Kind of makes me wish fall could stick around a little longer!

Don't forget if you missed my post yesterday on the gorgeous pewter napkin ring giveaway, stop on over to the post (must leave a comment on that post to be eligible) click here.


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