
Goodbye fall...I will miss you.

Hi and happy Tuesday! Hard to believe Thanksgiving is just two short days away! The most delicious day of the year is near...... I will be on a little hiatus for Thanksgiving....headed to my sisters beach house for  Thanksgiving by the beach. It will be a first and I am looking forward, the stretchy pants are at the ready....

With the chaos of Hurricane Sandy, somehow this post got lost in the shuffle. I cannot in good consciousness usher out fall without a proper goodbye (it is after all my favorite season). In case you missed my post on a perfect fall day yesterday, click here to have a look!  I started having fun taking pictures of the fall foliage at its peak or near peak both around here and in my travels. They were too pretty to not share and while I know that the last gloriously colored leaf has fallen, I want to say goodbye to fall with a tribute post to fall and all its glory. A short post (for me) but a pretty one especially if like me, you love fall! Enjoy.......

 Around my neck of the woods fall fabulosity was on full display.......

 A gorgeous lake near my serene and tranquil

 Our entrance........

 Driving out from our driveway....

A beautiful arboretum nearby.....

How gorgeous is this!

 On way to Boston....

 Amherst, Mass.....

I enjoyed watching my sons game as much as I did taking in the foliage around  me.....

Fall and quaint northeastern towns go together like Oreos and milk, cheese and crusty bread, caramel and get the idea!

This tree was astounding in that it literally is like a crayon box with all of falls magnificent colors
The mountains from a distance looked like they were ablaze with their fiery orange colored trees.......

So goodbye fall. Thank you as always for inspiring me with your magnificence. Hey,  any season that means no having to bare upper arms is a season I will continue to champion:) Wishing you a wonderful day as you are all busy busy busy getting ready for "the big feast"!



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